Home Social Media The state of the art of social commerce

The state of the art of social commerce

shopping online

Now that 2012 is ending and Christmas shopping is reaching its peak, it’s the best time to track social commerce trends in the world.

On the one hand, the never-ending escalation of the most shopping-oriented social networks continues: firstlyPinterest, but also The Fancy and Supply, as clearly highlighted by the ComStore website.

On the other hand, the economic returns of shares is increasingon the main generic social networks: over the last two years the value of “Dollars Per Share” (DPS)has almost doubled. Specifically, according to a study by Eventbrite, the average DPS has risen by 81%: from 1.78 dollars (1.36 euros) to 3.23 dollars (2.47 euros). The most extraordinary increase (up 330% from two years ago) was achieved by Twitter, whose absolute values are nevertheless still lagging behind: 1.85 dollars (1.42 euros) compared with the 4.15 dollars (3.18 euro) of Facebook (this figure has accounted for a 65% increase). Linkedin is way behind, with only 0.92 dollars (0.70 euros) and only a 2% increase.

In this regard, a service offered by Value of alike is noteworthy. It consists in a simple tool to calculate one’s “Dollars per like”. You just insert your data in a menu on the Valueofalike website and you get your value.

On the other hand, Twitter beats them all as regards generated traffic: 33 visits per share, compared with 14 on Facebook and 10 on LinkedIn. According to the specialised website TechCrunch, this could be due to the conciseness of tweets, which offer little detail and invite the visitor to look for more information.

Generally speaking, shares are growing on the most popular social networks and Italians are first in this special ranking in the field of events.While the Irish share less but have a higher DPS, preceding Canadians and Australians.


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