Home Digital Fact Open-Xchange wants to help service providers take on Dropbox and Skype

Open-Xchange wants to help service providers take on Dropbox and Skype


Open-Xchange makes a suite of web apps that ISPs, hosting firms and enterprises can rebrand and roll out as an alternative to the likes of Google Apps – we’ve previously covered the German company’s innovative OX Text collaborative document editor and the $20 million in funding that Open-Xchange received last July. It’s a really interesting company, boasting tens of millions of users despite few ever having heard of it.

Now Open-Xchange is adding another couple of strings to its bow: OX Drive, which will let its customers take on the likes of Dropbox and Box, and a communications app developed alongside Dutch VoIP provider Voiceworks, offering browser-based instant messaging, voice and video chat based on one of the most promising web technologies of the moment, WebRTC.

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Source: GigaOm.com


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