Home Digital Fact Google’s Updated Android App Can Track Santa Through The TV

Google’s Updated Android App Can Track Santa Through The TV

Cirullo - Il Fatto Digitale da Business Insider

As the holidays approach, tech companies develop elaborate ways to celebrate them.

NORAD and Microsoft created a Santa Tracker to track St. Nick as he journeys around the world but now Google is getting in on the fun.

Engadget writes that Google has updated its Santa Tracker app with support for Chromecast. The company released a Chrome extension as well in order to track Santa’s journey online.

The app will monitor Santa’s activities around the world. Chronicling his journey from lift-off to the big day, Google promises games and other daily updates.

Google Maps will be launching this app mid-December but check out the video below that was posted to its Youtube channel.

Permalink – BusinessInsider.com.


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