Home Companies The End of BlackBerry and Other Top Comments

The End of BlackBerry and Other Top Comments


In light of BlackBerry’s acquisition and the debut of iOS 7, it’s been another busy week for smartphone news

On Monday, BlackBerry was purchased by Fairfax Financial Holdings for $4.7 billion. For many readers, the only thing more surprising than the acquisition was that the embattled smartphone manufacturer was still worth $4.7 billion. Commentators also took jabs at iOS 7, saying the operating system’s new design is too similar to Android.

In other news, University of Toronto professor David Gilmour invoked the wrath of Twitter by refusing to teach books by women in his classes. Many readers were quick to highlight the misogyny of Gilmour’s decision, but others said it was a matter of personal taste.

Read this article on Mashable.com




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