Home Digital Fact Mobile-First Networks Are Taking Over Social Media Around The World

Mobile-First Networks Are Taking Over Social Media Around The World

Cirullo - Il Fatto Digitale da Business Insider

Mobile-first social media sites have been riding the mobile wave. These sites have seen huge growth in user numbers recently and are major contenders in the race to become a top global social network.

Three of the world’s 10 largest social networks are mobile messaging apps — namely, WhatsApp, LINE, and WeChat. Other contenders like Snapchat and Instagram are centered on photo-sharing apps. And now Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter are becoming mobile-based first and foremost.

In a new report from BI Intelligence, we look at social networks around the world and how the transition to mobile devices has upended the most important sites within the social ecosystem.

Permalink – BusinessInsider.com.



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