Home Digital Fact Top 20 most shared video ads of 2013

Top 20 most shared video ads of 2013

Cirullo - Il Fatto Digitale da eConsultancy

It’s late November, so we’re comfortably past the point where people are no longer agitated that ‘best of the year’ lists are starting to appear already.

In fact I’ve already got my ‘Best Korean Pop Albums’ and ‘Favourite Men’s Health Straplines (abs category)’ lists all lined up and ready to go. In a listicle heavy year, this Winter will be the ultimate in year-end countdown meltdown, or Listageddon as I’m pushing for the late November period to be renamed.

Hot off the presses today (I’m sure there’s a more up-to-date cliche then that) and towering above the rest is Unruly with its Top 20 most shared ads of 2013.

Permalink – eConsultancy.com.


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