Home Digital Fact Even President Obama Thinks That Facebook Isn’t Cool Anymore

Even President Obama Thinks That Facebook Isn’t Cool Anymore

Cirullo - Il Fatto Digitale da Techcrunch

Ask anyone under the age of 30 if they love Facebook. Chances are, the answer will be no.

The once dominant social network has most certainly fallen from its hyper-exclusive, hyper-popular beginnings to become the place where moms and uncles post their political opinions and baby pictures. (At least, I think. I haven’t been on Facebook in forever.)

In fact, Facebook has lost so much of its cool factor that even President Obama knows it.

As it turns out, the Atlantic’s associate editor covering tech Robinson Meyer happened to be sitting near Obama at a coffee shop, of all places, during a meeting the President was having to learn more about 18-34 year olds. The goal was to get more people in this demographic to sign up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act. For Meyer, the goal was to overhear the president say something relevant to his beat and — as it so happens — President Obama gave him a gem.

“It seems like they don’t use Facebook anymore,” said President Obama.

Meyer tries to get to the bottom of the President’s use of “they.” Perhaps it was the age group he was researching, between 18 and 34, or maybe it was the all-encompassing, third-person singular, gender-neutral pronoun, muses Meyer.

But we know who “they” is. It’s the cool crowd of teenagers and twenty-somethings that make social services popular to begin with.

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Source: Techcrunch.com



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