Home Digital Fact Katy Perry, Queen of Twitter, Is First to Hit 50 Million Followers

Katy Perry, Queen of Twitter, Is First to Hit 50 Million Followers

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Pop star Katy Perry has roared her way to 50 million Twitter followers, becoming the first user hit the milestone after losing the race to 40 million followers to Justin Bieber in June 2013.

Bieber, who was recently arrested for a DUI in Miami, is close behind with 49.2 million.

See also: Katy Perry’s New Instagram Map Shows Off Your Photos About Love

It’s important to note that Twitter doesn’t remove fake, spam or inactive accounts when displaying the overall followers tally for users.

A “fake follower check” on StatusPeople.com reports that 34% of Katy Perry’s followers are fake, based on data retrieved from her first 50,000 followers, which isn’t necessarily a fair assessment. But in November, StatusPeople conducted a deeper dive and discovered 42% of “33,000 followers across her first 1.25 million followers” were fake. Katy Perry isn’t the only one facing this issue; at its core, this falls on Twitter’s shoulders to fix. Read more…

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Source: Mashable.com


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