Home Digital Fact Coldplay launches a worldwide #lyricshunt

Coldplay launches a worldwide #lyricshunt

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In honor of @coldplay’s new album “Ghost Stories” out on May 19, the band used Twitter to create excitement, build engagement and give fans a unique chance to own some exclusive memorabilia by taking part in #lyricshunt.

This campaign was a clever way to keep the conversation about “Ghost Stories” flowing in the two weeks before the album. It also rewarded fans who follow Coldplay on Twitter. Here’s how the Coldplay scavenger hunt worked and how you can use this concept for your own important announcement:

Lead singer Chris Martin hand wrote the lyrics to all nine songs on the album, and these sheets were hidden inside of ghost stories at local libraries around the world. One hidden treasure included a grand prize “golden ticket” for an all-expenses-paid trip to London to see the band perform.

In the first day, more than 14,000 Tweets were generated with the hashtag #lyricshunt.

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Source: Twitter.com



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