Home Autori Articoli di Raffaele Cirullo

Raffaele Cirullo

2018 ARTICOLI 13 Commenti

Bill Gates Thinks Tech Billionaires Have Their Priorities Totally Out Of...

In a fascinating interview in Financial Times Magazine, Bill Gates took a shot at tech billionaires trying to provide internet connections in the developing world,...

In Brazil, Sports Help Boost Usage Across the Web

Internet users in Brazil have become intense content consumers. Sports are taking up the time of over half of the country's internet users, which...

Facebook Drives the Most Traffic to Publishers, Beating Twitter and Reddit

There's no beating Facebook when it comes to driving traffic to publishers. The world's largest social network directed 10.4% of traffic to websites this...

3 Free Tools to Manage Who You Follow on Twitter

If the list of accounts you follow on Twitter has gotten a little unruly over the years, we can help. We're highlighting three useful...

UK Kids Are Frequent Tablet Gamers

With the holiday season fast approaching, tablets look set to be at the top of many children’s Christmas lists. Those UK kids who already...

Tre tool gratuiti per “ripulire” gli account inutili su Twitter

  Se l'elenco di account che seguite su Twitter è diventato un po' troppo disordinato nel corso degli anni, Mashable è in grado di aiutarvi....

A Global Social Media Census: The World’s Largest Social Networks, And...

Social media transcends geography, and the sheer scale and diversity of audiences on the sites makes them tremendously important. It's no longer all about Facebook....

Multicloud mania drives CSC to buy Servicemesh

If you didn’t believe the hype around hybrid cloud, CSC certainly does. The IT services giant is buying Servicemesh, a company that centralizes management...

Instagram Ads Are a Risky Bet for Facebook

Ads in the news feed. It's an approach that worked extremely well for Facebook, turning the world's largest social network into a mobile powerhouse...

Google Glass Meets Pumpkin Zombie

Haven't carved your pumpkin yet? Well here's an idea from the Google Glass team: a pumpkin zombie. This video was recorded using Glass and posted...

After Nearly 5 Years And 5M Backers, Kickstarter Gets A New...

As it approaches its fifth birthday, Kickstarter's star continues to rise, as the indie crowdfunding goliath announced yesterday that five million people have now...

How to Balance Your Personal and Professional Lives on Twitter

Social media often blurs the lines between personal and professional, and nowhere is this truer than the very public world of Twitter. If you’re...

Facebook Makes Its Messenger App More Like Texting

Facebook is updating its standalone messaging app, Messenger, the company announced Tuesday. The new version of Messenger, an app that lets users send messages on...

Twitter Now Fills Your Feed With Photos

Remember the old days, when you used to have to click on a picture in Twitter to see it? No longer. As of Tuesday,...

Beverage Marketers Look to Engage Around the Aisle

As the market for beverages continues to fragment and brand extensions grow, brands are jockeying for position on store shelves and competing for consumers’...

Syrian Hackers Target Obama’s Twitter, Facebook Posts

The pro-Assad group Syrian Electronic Army claims it hacked the Twitter and Facebook accounts of U.S. President Barack Obama In an exclusive email to Mashable...

Lenovo Signs New ‘Project Engineer’: Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher: Project Engineer. That's not the name of his next TV show, but his new job title at Lenovo. After a livestreamed press conference...

BlueLine Wants to Be a Facebook for Cops

Bill Bratton spent decades running the Boston, New York and Los Angeles police departments, earning a tough rep for his aggressive use of crime...

Article: UK Mobile Spend Grows Fastest, Lags Time with Medium

Mobile ad spending is growing rapidly in the UK, and helping lead total digital spend to new heights. But compared to the amount of...

Article: Smartphones Spur Multiscreen Usage in Mexico

Multiscreening activities are becoming an integral part of consumers’ lifestyles in Mexico. Using smartphones and mobile phones while traveling (74.4%) was the single most...